Regular Monthly Activities
1st Thursday afternoon, 1:30 pm - Book Club
Discuss the book selection of the month
3rd Wednesday morning, 9:30 am - Books & Banter
Discuss the book selection of the month
Wednesday mornings - Walking/Hiking Groups
Year-round local walks and more challenging hikes
Summer: 9:00 am. Winter: 10:00 am
Tuesday and Thursday mornings - Pickleball
Various locations and times
2nd Monday, 1:00-2:30 pm - Photography
Meet with others to improve your photography expertise.
New subjects each month.
2nd Thursday, 10:00 am - Monthly General Meeting
September to June, inclusive.
New Hope Community Church, Townline & Riddell Rd.
2nd Thursday, 12:30 pm - Monthly Luncheon
Enjoy the best of our local eateries with your PROBUS friends
2nd and 4th Fridays, 1:30 pm - Euchre Group
3rd Thursday afternoon, 1:00 pm - The Writing Group
Discover your inner author with other club members
Friday mornings, 9:30 am - On Se Parle Conversational French
Instructional French and basic conversations on ZOOM
4th Tuesday, 3:00-4:30 pm - Reel & Screen Buffs Group
Mahjong - Group 1 meets alternate Mondays; Group 2 meets alternate Tuesdays
Gardening Group - Various seasonal activities and locations
Tours, email and on-line discussions
Note: Members of groups meeting at The Cafe on Hansen are expected to purchase a refreshment and/or snack